I think you'd find this video very thought provoking jwfacts
zac's first tooth just fell out, and so people are telling him that the tooth fairy will come with money.
zac asked me if the tooth fairy is real.
i am at a loss as to what to say.
I think you'd find this video very thought provoking jwfacts
whenever i talk to jw's, and even in some of the jw official videos, i detect a definite vibe of sadness coming off these people.. i am very sensitive to "atmospheres" and to peoples emotional state, you wouldn't think so, because more often than not i do not react to what i detect, i just let people get on with it.. but i do get this feeling that they are sad, probably because very, very, very deep down they realise that it is all false, maybe ?.
Yes, many of them seem to have lost their hope. Expectation postponed does make the heart sick.
it seems to me like there are two versions of the photodrama of creation: the one where it is just slides, and the one where there are the slides, plus songs, plus short movies such as noah sending the dove out of the ark.... does anyone know where i can find the one that has the film parts?
i am wanting to see the part of the time-lapse.... .
i love and enjoy life as never before!.
It is wonderful to be part of the human race.
- 23 day to go .. annual meeting unofficial rumors.
- new bible.
- new nwt (revision).
- 23 day to go .. annual meeting unofficial rumors.
- new bible.
- new nwt (revision).
The current WT is the FDS = GB new light. Hmm...
can anyone point me in the direction of pms?
the little envelope icon in the top right corner has gone.. thanks..
can anyone point me in the direction of pms?
the little envelope icon in the top right corner has gone.. thanks..
Can anyone point me in the direction of PMs? The little envelope icon in the top right corner has gone.
- 23 day to go .. annual meeting unofficial rumors.
- new bible.
- new nwt (revision).
I agree with yadda yadda.
Edited to add - although this makes it seem unlikely this year at least:
18 Most in attendance respectfully abstain from partaking of the emblems as they are passed because Jesus indicated that only those who will reign in his heavenly Kingdom are to partake. (Read Luke 22:28-30; 2 Tim. 4:18) All others present will be respectful observers. Still, being at the Lord’s Evening Meal is important, for being there shows how highly they value Jesus’ sacrifice. During the Memorial, they can reflect on the blessings that they can have on the basis of Jesus’ ransom sacrifice. They have the prospect of being among the “great crowd” who survive the coming “great tribulation.” Those are worshippers who will have “washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.”—Rev. 7:9, 14-17.
don't know if this was posted here when this article was current (2012).. .
although i have left jwism far behind me, i still live with very strong, sometimes almost unbearable, fears of catastrophic events leading to complete societal breakdown..
Marking, thanks.